
North West District BC

Northwestern BC

MHR Abbv. NWD Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Northwestern BC League Contact Coming Soon
Website https://northwestdistrictmha.ca/ Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
NWD U18 5 Terrace Kermode (T3) U18 A1 (87.09) 85.01
NWD Bantam 4 Terrace Kermode (T3) U15 A1 (84.81) 81.34
NWD Peewee 3 Smithers Storm (T3) U13 A1 (83.63) 81.15
Girls Midget
NWD Girls 18U 4 Prince George Capitals U18 A (87.09) 86.04
Girls Bantam
NWD Girls U15 2 Williams Lake Timberwolves U15 A (91.17) 90.52
Girls Peewee
NWD Girls U13 2 Prince George Capitals U13 AAA (91.16) 90.46

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