MYHockey - About Us

MYHockey was developed as a way for fans of youth hockey to spread the love of the game. It started simply as a set of links to hundreds of clubs so people could easily locate clubs/teams to assist in scheduling games. Links were good, but soon it was obvious that we wanted real information about each team, their record, their league, who they are playing, etc. It quickly became apparent a team's record was not a viable indicator of their strength. This led to questions about which team was truly better and exactly how you might measure a team's strength or weakness. Within a year, we realized that the site must have some sort of team rating/ranking to be the tool that we envisioned. What started as a quest for locating opponents of the same skill level, MYHockey Rankings evolved as a tool to help youth hockey coaches, managers, players and fans learn more about the sport we all love.

MYHockey's ratings are computed mathematically, with no subjective weighting. MYHockey computes an average performance rating for each team based upon how well they play against other teams and how good those teams are. There are two real inputs to this rating, they are "AGD" or average goal differential and "SCHED" or strength of schedule. AGD is currently calculated by accumulating the goal differential of each game, to a maximum of 7, and then dividing it by the number of games played. Using a max game goal differential of 7 does "penalize" teams that blow out opponents, but this is common in rating systems as it takes away the incentive for teams to run up scores and allows them to have a bad game by capping the mathematical damage. The strength of schedule is computed by averaging the rating of each game opponent. AGD and SCHED are then added together to compute a team's official rating. A team's rating typically is not reflective of the team's best or worst games, but a mathematically computed average performance rating that translates game scores into a numeric representation of team performance.

MYHockey's first website was published during the 2003-04 season. A number of large investments have been made over the years to upgrade the platform and build out the information to hockey fans. Despite these investments, MYHockeyremains a free to the general public thanks to our sponsors, volunteers and premium members. While our registered volunteers, many of whom have helped out for five to ten years, are the backbone of our information collection and validation today, every website visitor is a possible volunteer of information through our guest game score entry capabilities or through our change request system that helps keep information on 704 separate ranking categories, 361 leagues, 2,954 clubs and 28,567 teams accurate and up to date. Memberships are also available at a low price for anyone interested in extra features and/or whom want to provide financial support to keep MYHockey growing (see more here). If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please vist our volunteer information page for more information and to get registered. Each year, we add additional functionality to MYHockey and we have no plans on changing that pattern. Look for more enhancements in the coming months and years as we continue to invest in the MYHockey platform. We thank you for your continued support.