Ranking Updates

2024-25 Week #10 Team Ratings and Rankings Released
MYHockey Week #10 Rankings have been released! MHR’s admin team, volunteers, members and GameSheet API added 17,160 game scores this week. The system contains 163,400 counting game results for the 2024-25 season. 17,446 teams have now met the 5 game minimum to be ranked, an increase of 1,083 teams over last week.
- Squirt
- Peewee
- Bantam
- Midget Minor
- Midget Major
- High School
- Junior
- College
- Girls
- Association Rankings
As always, remember to keep an eye out for inaccurate or erroneous game scores. Please notify us of any errors via the Contact Us page or using the red checkmark in the "Fix" column next to the game score to submit a game score correction request.
The MHR team would like to wish our friends in the States a Happy Thanksgiving! Safe travels to all. We hope you enjoy time with your family. Best of luck to all teams playing in tournaments this holiday weekend.