Ranking Updates

Association Rankings Criteria and Calculations
MHR’s 2023-24 association rankings were released on Wednesday. The youth hockey community’s interest and response has been amazing. This season, more than ever, we’ve received inquiries asking how the association rankings are calculated. We decided to take a deeper dive into the association rankings’ calculations.
In order to maximize the number of associations that qualify for the rankings, we developed unique criteria for each category. The methodology is not perfect by any means. There’s numerous associations that do not qualify for one reason or another.
Below is a breakdown of each category’s criteria and calculations. Please note, a team must have 5 games in the system and appear in the rankings to count towards an association’s overall rating.
USA Youth
Criteria - An association must field at least one boys’s squirt (10U) team, two peewee (12U) teams and two bantam (14U) teams to qualify for the USA Youth category.
Calculation - The association’s USA youth rating is calculated by taking the average rating of the association’s top squirt team, top two peewee teams and top two bantam teams.
Example) Mid-Fairfield Jr Rangers
Top team at squirts = 96.6
Top 2 teams at peewee = 99.40 & 96.46
Top 2 teams at bantam = 97.16 + 91.69
Association Rating = 96.27
USA Midget
Criteria - An association must field at least two midget aged teams. 15U, 16U and 18U teams are all eligible.
Calculation - The association’s USA Midget rating is calculated by taking the average rating of the association’s top two midget aged teams.
USA Girls
Criteria - An association must field at least one girls 12U team, one 14U team and one 16U/19U team.
Calculation - The association’s USA Girls rating is calculated by taking the average rating of the association’s top 12U team, top 14U team and top 16U/19U team.
Ontario Youth
Criteria - An association must field at least two boys’s squirt teams (U10/U11), two peewee teams (U12/U13), two bantam teams (U14/U15) and one midget team (U16/U18) to qualify for the Ontario Youth category.
Calculation - The association’s Ontario youth rating is calculated by taking the average rating of the association’s top two squirt teams, top two peewee teams, top two bantam teams and top midget team.
Ontario Girls
Criteria - An association must field at least one girls 12U team, one 14U team and one 16U/19U team.
Calculation - The association’s Ontario Girls rating is calculated by taking the average rating of the association’s top U13 team, top U15 team and top U18/U22 team.