Ranking Updates
2021-22 Week #27 Rankings Released
MYHockey Week #27 rankings are now available. Volunteers and members entered just over 4000 games this past week. USA Hockey completed its youth and girls National Championships over the past week with some exciting action and a bunch of once in a lifetime memories made.
Playdowns are well underway in Canada and we will work to keep the site updated with the latest action up north.
Note that this basically concludes the fall/winter season for USA youth and girls hockey. There are a couple isolated pockets of hockey still being played that we will continue to update and we will be looking at updating some isolated pockets of incomplete data. Please don't stop requesting missing game scores and please keep an eye out for erroneously entered scores as we work to enter additional game scores.
While we hope these numbers continue to rise, we currently have 17,789 teams ranked in one of our hundreds of ranking categories and just over 287k game scores recorded.
As always, please make sure to follow MYHockey Rankings on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for the latest updates.