
Parkissimo Hockey League

Western Manitoba

MHR Abbv. Parkissimo Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Western Manitoba League Contact Coming Soon
Website https://parkissimohockeyleague.weebly.com/ Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
Parkissimo U15 10 Dauphin Kings (Shaw) U15 A (85.48) 81.58
Parkissimo U13 Gold 6 Russell Rams U13 A (87.61) 84.16
Parkissimo U13 Silver 6 Brandon Wheat Kings (Gold) U13 A (81.33) 79.59
Parkissimo U13 Bronze 6 Minnedosa Bombers U13 A (77.50) 74.95

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