
Western Colorado Hockey League

Western Colorado

MHR Abbv. WCHL Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Western Colorado League Contact Coming Soon
Website https://wchl.sportngin.com/ Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
WCHL 14U A 6 Vail Mountaineers 14U A (83.31) 80.92
WCHL 14U B 5 West Elk Wolverines 14U B (79.07) 75.34
WCHL 12U A 8 Durango Ice Devils 12U A (84.61) 81.69
WCHL 12U B 10 Vail Mountaineers (White) 12U B (72.66) 69.05
WCHL 10U A 10 Telluride Lizard Heads 10U A (81.8) 77.7
WCHL 10U B 11 Vail Mountaineers (Blue) 10U B (71.6) 67.7

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Cloche Cloche