
Hockey PEI

Prince Edward Island

MHR Abbv. HPEI Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Prince Edward Island League Contact Coming Soon
Website http://hockeypei.com Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth, Girls Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
HPEI U18 AAA 5 Pownal Red Devils U18 AAA (89.20) 87.94
HPEI U18 AA 7 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U18 A East 13 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U18 A West 15 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U15 AAA 4 Prince County Warriors U15 AAA (88.68) 87.32
HPEI U15 AA 8 Pownal Red Devils (#1) U15 AA (85.23) 82.29
HPEI U15 A East 11 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U15 A West 14 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U13 AAA 6 Pownal Red Devils U13 AAA (92.85) 89.28
HPEI U13 AA 9 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U13 A East 11 (n/a) 0.00
HPEI U13 A West 11 (n/a) 0.00
Girls Bantam
HPEI Girls U15 AAA 4 Mid Isle Wildcats U15 AAA (92.16) 91.32
Girls Peewee
HPEI Girls U13 AAA 4 Mid Isle Wildcats U13 AAA (92.77) 91.85

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