
Saskatchewan AA Hockey League


MHR Abbv. SAAHL Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Saskatchewan League Contact Coming Soon
Website http://www.saahl.ca Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
SAAHL U18 AA Centre Four 12 Saskatoon Sabercats U18 AA (91.81) 89.41
SAAHL U18 AA South Sask 9 Regina Vics U18 AA (90.56) 87.87
SAAHL U16 AA 8 Martensville Marauders U16 AA (88.36) 84.77
SAAHL U15 AA North 11 Warman Wildcats U15 AA (94.89) 92.27
SAAHL U15 AA South 9 Prairie Storm U15 AA (93.63) 91.18
SAAHL U13 AA North 13 Saskatoon Titans U13 AA (94.51) 91.40
SAAHL U13 AA South 13 Regina Buffalos U13 AA (92.66) 90.18

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