
Chesapeake Bay Hockey League

Washington DC

MHR Abbv. CBHL Commissioner Coming Soon
Location Washington DC League Contact Coming Soon
Website http://www.cbhl.org/ Est. Date Coming Soon
League Type(s) Youth, Girls Social Media Coming Soon

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Divison Name # of Teams Top-Ranked Team Avg. Rating
CBHL 18U AA 9 Reston Raiders 18U AA (92.83) 89.09
CBHL 18U A Upper 10 Ashburn Xtreme 18U A (85.91) 83.07
CBHL 18U A Lower 4 Easton Ice Hawks 18U A (82.83) 81.05
CBHL 16U AA American 10 Frederick Freeze (Macera) 16U AA (87.35) 84.54
CBHL 16U AA National 8 Ashburn Xtreme (#1) 16U AA (91.17) 88.12
CBHL 16U A Upper 11 Montgomery Ice Devils (Upper) 16U A (84.46) 81.49
CBHL 16U A Lower Blue 8 Ashburn Xtreme 16U A (81.44) 78.85
CBHL 16U A Lower Red 8 Montgomery Ice Devils (Lower) 16U A (81.56) 79.00
CBHL 14U AA 9 Ashburn Xtreme 14U AA (90.30) 87.51
CBHL 14U A Upper Blue 10 Ashburn Xtreme 13U A (85.46) 82.71
CBHL 14U A Upper Red 9 Montgomery Ice Devils (Upper-Blue) 14U A (85.15) 81.83
CBHL 14U A Lower Blue 9 Hagerstown Bulldogs 14U A (79.32) 77.21
CBHL 14U B 13 Capitals Academy 14U B (78.05) 73.03
CBHL 14U A Lower Red 8 Montgomery Ice Devils (Lower-Blue) 14U A (79.90) 76.40
CBHL 12U AA 9 Ashburn Xtreme 12U AA (88.77) 86.05
CBHL 12U A Upper Blue 8 Potomac Patriots (Upper) 12U A (83.01) 80.40
CBHL 12U A Upper Red 8 Montgomery Ice Devils (Upper-Blue) 12U A (82.50) 78.85
CBHL 12U A Lower Blue 9 Capitals Academy (Lower) 12U A (79.74) 75.78
CBHL 12U A Lower Red 10 Montgomery Ice Devils (Lower-Blue) 12U A (79.77) 76.21
CBHL 12U B 13 Capitals Academy 12U B (75.88) 71.41
CBHL 10U AA 8 Loudoun Knights 10U AA (89.0) 85.4
CBHL 10U A Upper Blue 8 Potomac Patriots 10U A (84.3) 80.4
CBHL 10U A Upper Red 8 Maryland Jr Black Bears (Upper) 10U A (84.0) 81.2
CBHL 10U A Lower Blue 8 Ashburn Xtreme (Lower) 10U A (80.9) 75.1
CBHL 10U A Lower Red 7 Chevy Chase 10U A (79.3) 76.6
CBHL 10U B Blue 8 Montgomery Ice Devils 10U Girls (77.1) 73.3
CBHL 10U B Red 8 Tomorrow's Ice North Stars (White) 10U B (74.4) 69.3
Girls Midget
CBHL 19U/16U Gold 6 Tri-City Eagles 19U (88.52) 86.73
CBHL 19U/16U Silver North 5 Montgomery Ice Devils (Gold) 16U (84.98) 83.88
CBHL 19U/16U Silver South 8 Carolina Lady Thunderbirds 16U (83.24) 79.97
CBHL 16U/14U Bronze 4 Northern VA Ice Dogs 16U (78.37) 76.95
Girls Bantam
CBHL 14U Gold 4 St James HC 14U (90.60) 88.83
CBHL 14U Silver 3 Carolina Junior Canes (Black) 14U (87.70) 85.83
CBHL 14U Bronze 4 Tri-City Eagles 14U (81.23) 79.87
Girls Peewee
CBHL 12U Gold 5 Montgomery Ice Devils 12U (93.36) 90.15
CBHL 12U Silver 5 St James HC (#1) 12U (85.69) 84.68
CBHL 12U Bronze 6 Southern Maryland Sabres 12U (84.98) 80.33

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