Game Preview
Team Stats
- GP
- 29
- 36
- GF
- 117
- 150
- GA
- 77
- 164
- +1.20
- -0.36
Match-Up Analysis
Team & Association Information
- Location
- Orchard Lake, MI
- Traverse City, MI
- Assoc. Size
- 7 Teams
- 22 Teams
Team Comparison
- Team Rating
- 81.19
- 80.14
- Schedule
- 79.99
- 80.50
- 1.20
- -0.36
- Record
- 15-9-5
- 17-18-2*
- Winning %
- 60.3%
- 48.6%*
- Goals For
- 117
- 150*
- GF/Game
- 4.03
- 4.05*
- Goals Against
- 77
- 164*
- GA/Game
- 2.65
- 4.43*
- Max GD (8+ Goals)
- 2
- 2
Note: Team totals with an asterisk (*) include data from non-counting games. As a result, team totals will differ from the actual data used for team rating calculation purposes on the rating math page.